He arose to find utter blackness. The air hung heavy with the sound of nothing. A faint ringing was discernible above the beating of his heart. He was alone. He tried getting out of bed. An impossible feat for finding himself in a chair. As he yelled out his muffled cries were all too clear. With his haze lifted he realized he was bound upright in a chair and gagged. His memories were vacant.
A candle lit from across the expanse. Crimson light flooded the corner. A shadowy figure stood like a taciturn sentinel. Who or what they wanted wasn’t clear. But one thing was for certain. He had no memory of being here.
The hooded watcher approached.
“There, there.” said the female voice, unfamiliar.
“What have we here? A little treat for Mistress?”
Mistress? Who was this mistress? He hadn’t one. Hell, he hadn’t ever done anything remotely non-conventional in his life. And yet, here he was.
“Do you know why you’re here?”
A sharp sting on a blunt instrument struck him in the ass. Hard.
“Did I stutter?
"Perhaps you need some help with learning to pay attention?”
“No. Who are you? Don’t touch me. Why am I here?”
“Why are you where? Don’t get ahead of yourself.”
Suddenly another candle lit behind him. He could hear footsteps. He felt warm breath on the back of his neck and teeth...
“You’ve arrived just in time for dinner. We hope you’re hungry.”
And with a click, his chair suddenly revealed itself as having wheels. He was tied to a wheelchair and headed forward. The candles went out and a door opened in the blackness. Something or someone was hungry. But it wasn’t him.