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Another Chance


Death challenged my being alive

and stunned me into an artificial sleep.

And when I awoke in my drive,

my cuts and bruises were far too deep.

I crawled up my precipitous hill

and ascended my last few stairs.

And if looks of fear could truly kill,

you should have seen the stares!

Was it a bear, they asked,

that attacked you? No.

My car grabbed me fast

and I reacted too damn slow.

Soon the medics arrived

and sped me away.

with hopes that I may survive

to live another day.

But my brain scan wasn’t right.

There was bleeding in my head.

And I became filled with fright

and learned I could be dead.

Then hours passed after I was seen

And at last, they offered me meds

but mistakenly gave me enough morphine

to almost make me dead.

And after five hours more

they sent me on my way.

And I slept near the floor

until the following day.

However, when I awoke, my sweet dog

had crawled beside me to pass away.

Too much death left me in a fog

And pondering decay.

If a cat has nine lives

Surely, I have at least three.

But I expended two that tragic night

and my get-out-of-jail card wasn’t free.

And so, I have another chance

to revel in my daughter’s delight.

And with any luck, I'll watch her dance

on her distant wedding night.



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© 2024 CJF Productions

A place where thoughts are manifested


Christopher is a writer, poet, artist, composer, and history buff with a penchant for tomfoolery.

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